I have been encouraged to send an update on my recovery, as it has been about 8 weeks since the Big Surgery and, with juggling recovery, marriage and work, the greatest challenge that Gage and I have had has been keeping in touch with those we love - and keeping you all informed on my progress and our lives. Here goes:
The good:
- Gage and I are still happy and totally in love! We both have "love coaches" in our lives who encourage us to put our marriage - specifically, our spouses - first (after God, of course). We are dedicated to growing as a married couple - I love you, honey!!!!
- Gage has a great class of kids this year so he actually enjoys going to work every day (as opposed to the class from you-know-where with whom he worked last year - poor guy!)
- I am working my way back into the working scene (more details below).
- I am up to 1.5 miles a day (with my walker, my husband and my pup).
- Since living with a healthy vegetarian, Gage has lost over 10 lbs (whew whoo, hot stuff!!!!)
- Lady is cute as ever and knows to be "gentle" with me (and "ruff" with Gage :)
- My students all think that it is their job to take care of me when I am at school (awe!). They are even better at calling me Mrs. Dodson than I am - WOW!!!!!
- My Building Team at work has been incredibly supportive - they carry my things, they re-arranged my classroom so it is functional to my physical needs and they prep the students when I am having a bad day so the kiddos are sympathetic (ha!).
- I made it through turning 30!!!!
- Gage has found a new love in Pickling (jalapenos, garlic, you name it, it's in a jar!!!)
- A friend at work bought me a basket for my walker so that I can be a little more "self-sufficient" and carry small things like a bottle of water or my book and walk at the same time (and yes, I can chew gum, too!).
- My boss has finally stopped giving me trouble about my recovery and has really shown sincere sympathy and flexibility with her demands.
- My school principal donated a super-comfy chair to my room that, when I need to rest, I curl up in and "feel better".
- We had about 2 weeks of great recovery progress (about 2 weeks ago) - my pain level reduced and I was able to decrease my pain meds (last week; however, for some reason, it went back up and I "slipped back a bit" - but at least we know that my body IS CAPABLE of such relief...).
- We have had some friends & family members really pulling through and be our "rocks" of emotional support during moments of craziness, saddness or frustration - We LOVE You!!!!
The challenges:
- I am still in a great deal of pain daily. I consult with my head nurse, Bernie, every few days and she is constantly giving me tips on how to manage the pain. Some work, some don't. However, Bernie is very encouraging, and tells me, "Everybody's body is different. We cannot predict when you will turn your corner, but you must believe that you will get there and keep working towards your goals." I have only been able to make it up to 3 and a half days of work/week this whole month - and last week I had to leave work early unexpectedly on 2 days due to unbearable pain. I guess my "corner" is further away than I had hoped... but she tells me to hang in there. I'm/we're hanging...
- Gage has turned into Super-Husband. The first month back to work, he was waking up at 5:00 am every day so he could get to work 2 hours early, set up his classroom then attend 7 hours of workshops. On his way home, he would run any errands we needed, then once home, he would cook dinner, do the dishes, bathe and walk me (yes,me, not Lady), then get everything ready for he and I to be prepared for the next day. Wow! Superman in action! For the past two weeks, he has been caught-up at work enough to sleep in (you know, until 6:30 am). Now, every morning, Gage follows me to work and is my bell-boy (I discovered that I had been actually hurting my body by trying to carry my walker myself up and down the MANY stairs at my job, so Gage volunteered to walk me into work each day, carry my walker, computer bag and any other teacher-stuff I have.) What a saint!
The Blessing and Turn-Around - Thankfully, things have calmed down a bit. My mom has been so kind as to cook us about 2 meals a week, which has greatly helped us both on the weekend and through the week. Gage and I (well, mostly Gage, but I help when I can) now spend Sundays cooking the rest of the meals for the week and preparing lunches for the whole week so all we have to do is re-heat food after work. We have also (sorry environmentalists - we are doing the best we can) resorted to paper products so the dishes are not piling in the sink and Gage can have at least SOME time to relax after a 14-hour day. Now we just need to get better at using our microwave!
- I am still unable to help Gage with any housework - and will likely not be able to do so for another 4 months to a year - or 2 - yikes! (He only ruined 2 pairs of my jeans and shrunk a few of his t-shirts, so I can't complain too much :)
- The doctor thought I would be done with my walker by the end of August; however, upon returning to work, I began experiencing extreme numbness across my back, down my buttocks and both legs. Until the numbness disappears, I have to continue to use the walker. On the plus side, my arms are getting totally buff from putting so much pressure on them when I use the walker!
- Our social life is almost non-existant. I don't have the energy to go to work and do anything afterwards. And, with all that Gage does to pick up on my slack, he needs as much R&R on the weekend as he can get! Saturdays are usually my "coma" (recovery) days - or the days I spend working on all of the work-related paperwork that I couldn't get to during the work week & Sundays are spent grocery shopping, doing laundry and food prep. I am usually in too much pain to do the things that "normal" people our age (heck, I cannot even do the things my grandparents) do for fun, so when I am up for it, we have friends over who will sit with us on the couch and let me wear sweats and leave when I turn into a pumpkin... We are hoping that this changes soon, because we really miss everyone!!!!
- I am running out of sick days, so if things don't pick-up soon, I will need to fill out a Family Medical Leave Application and try to qualify for Non-paid Leave of Absenses (and, hopefully, I can keep my job at Bristol if I do need to take more time off).
- We are not always up to going to our Church - and we really miss this! It's difficult for me to sit in their chairs without triggering pain. Gage still goes by himself or with our friends when he can; however, if I am in a great deal of pain, my loving husband insists on staying home to take care of me.
- The house is still on the market. While it is under a LOT of clients' lists as a "favorite" property, we still have not gotten any offers...
That covers it for now! I know it can be overwhelming, but we are actually managing :)
Please keep us in your prayers (as I know you have been). Even though it has already been 2 months, we still have a LONG way to go and we can use all your love!
Steph (and Gage)