FAQ #3: Can I Have Another Back Surgery?
You may recall that I was told by The Surgeon that it could not be determined whether or not the Spinal Fusion Surgery actually “worked” until a year passed. Part of my surgery entailed The Surgeon adding a Bone Growth Protein, which is like playing Dr. Frankenstein – NEW bone literally grew in my back.
What does this mean? The NEW bones created their own fusion. With or without the screws and the rods that were inserted into my body, there are also NEW bones that are now “fused.” My body is literally STUCK in this fused position because of the new bones.
After the year was up (July of 2011), the pain was even worse than before I had the surgery (June 24, 2010). The Surgeon said that, “because the bones grew and the fusion was not rejected, the surgery technically WORKED.” Can you believe that? I was in MORE pain, but The Surgeon was taking credit for a successful surgery?
You may also recall that I made a deal with The President of the PT Facility that I would get a second surgical opinion from a surgeon of her choice. (Look for “Sweet Dreams” in my blog archive – dated August 17, 2011.) I made an appointment with Surgeon #2 in August of 2011. Surgeon #2, kind as he was, told me that, because of the NEW bones, I can NOT have another surgery. My body is now changed. I have new bones. My spine is fused – STUCK – in this new position. The only way to “un-fuse” the Spinal Fusion Surgery is to literally BREAK MY BACK. ALL of the bones around the Fusion would need to BREAK. Then, IF I healed “correctly” from a BROKEN BACK, then I could possibly have re-constructive surgery and THEN I would need to wait and see how my back would heal from THAT.
Is breaking my back actually an option? Not a chance in hell! (Sorry for those of you with sensitive ears!) Surgeon #2 was being facetious. It was his way of letting me down gently…
Long Story Short… Until there are Medical Miracles or Advances, another surgery is NOT an option for me.
BUT - one of my dear friends (and a blog-reader), Paula, sent me this link: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-3445_162-57428677/a-new-hope-for-back-pain-sufferers/?tag=contentBody;cbsCarousel
(cut and paste it into your browser). CBS did a Sunday Special on NEW ADVANCES in back pain treatments for people who suffer after spinal fusion surgeries. The FDA is expected to approve this drug/procedure in 2015 - I just need to be patient!
Still wondering what exactly “Permanent” Means? I’ll explain in my next blog – keep reading!
Fun Stuff: The book is going great! I have written 8 out of 13 chapters! I have two terrific editors! The website is coming along nicely! Things are looking good!
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