My friends and neighbors, Brandon and Jen, told me that they wanted to embark on my journey with me. Being a Filmmaker, Creative Director & Designer, Brandon had big ideas for my project and he and Jen wanted to help. Within a month, Gage and I had our first meeting with Brandon. We discussed the book-project as a whole, including: creating my own website, reviewing publishing options, designing marketing strategies and establishing a working timeline. The next step: BEGIN WRITING.

I wanted the book to speak to more than just those who suffer from back pain. Through the blog, I received countless emails, comments and Facebook messages from people who wanted to share their similar stories, too. Not only did I learn about others’ health-scares and situations, but people started asking me questions: How did I know to apply for disability? What types of alternative interventions are there for people who suffer? What is an Invisible Disease? How can I help my loved one who suffers?
I took these questions very seriously. Not only did I address them in my blog, but these questions became a starting point for me to begin independent research for my book. However, my journey wasn’t enough for me. My story did not encompass everything that I wanted to share with the world. I wanted to add your story, too. So, I drafted a survey, asking people to share with me their accounts with chronic conditions. I received more responses than I ever expected! I realized that what I was doing was not just telling my story; I would be telling your story, too. The project transformed from my desire to write a book to actually becoming an Advocate for People with Invisible Diseases.

I started writing. The brainstorming went smoother than expected and within the first few days, I had a solid Table of Contents. Then, the chapters started flowing. I met with Brandon for consultations, photo shoots and website reviews, but I needed to add to the Team. I needed an editor.
If you have ever considered yourself a writer, you understand how vulnerable writing can be. You are opening yourself up to another person, sharing deep thoughts and experiences, revealing parts of yourself in your story. You are also opening yourself up to criticism and you pray that the one reading your work understands the phrase: HANDLE WITH CARE.

Once I had written six solid chapters, I prayed for the right Editors to add to the Team. After careful consideration, I asked two of my closest friends, Stephanie and Melissa, to participate in the project. I knew that, without a doubt, each of these woman were talented, intelligent and capable for the role. I also knew that they understood the emotional responsibility of the task, as well as the analytical components. Without hesitation, the ladies agreed and thus began the next phase of the writing process.

This process takes time. What humbles me the most is the dedication that this Team (Gage, Brandon, Jen, Melissa & "the other" Stephanie) are all devoting to my project. Without them, I’d be just a girl with a disability and a dream…
And here we are. I have nine chapters written and the remaining four outlined and in-progress. I devote several hours each week to writing drafts, editing and researching, and I set additional time aside to consult with my Editors and my Creative Team. We all have timelines in which to work and goals to meet. We all work cohesively and as a team. Together, we are making a dream come alive!

Over these past five months, I have had the absolute pleasure of pursuing my life-long passion. Over the last five months, I have been blessed with an overwhelming amount of support and encouragement from friends and family. Not only do you want me to heal, but you want my dream of writing this book to become a reality. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you to YOU, the loved one who emails me with questions and comments, the friend who sends me “Get Well!” cards in the mail, the buddies who tell me they can’t wait for my book to come out, the people who leave me posts of encouragement & cheer on my Facebook wall, the Survivors who completed my surveys & shared their stories with me – And the people who are reading THIS BLOG. Thank you for being a part of this Dream Team!
To note, when I called Chris, my amazing friend and Pain Nurse, to share with her my Retirement Approval. When I asked her, "Am I really that bad?" (because I have been approved by both providers on the first try) she said, "No! You are just Preferred, because God wants to take care of you!" THANK YOU!